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One-Woman Plays That Bring Scripture to Life

Host one of six original and inspiring dramatic presentations

portraying the personal awakenings of biblical women

as they witness and respond to an event within scripture,

with the option of a 15-minute discussion following the performance.



may be abbreviated to fit a desired time frame

and can be coupled with a ½ day or one-day retreat.



For information on logistics and cost related to hosting 

and to book a performance:

For the Advent Season

Faith:  A Mother's Story

A Joy-filled Performance Bringing the Spirit of Christmas to Life

A joy-filed and soulful performance for the Advent Season.  The events of the First Christmas come to life through the eyes of the women who were around Mary: her mother Anne;  her cousin Elizabeth; Leah of the House of David; a shepherdess; and Anna, a Seeress in the Temple.


As these women encounter events and the mystery of Jesus’ coming, they face doubt, disbelief and ultimately joy as their faith is renewed in God, life and themselves.



Running time: 75 minutes

Offered November through January

For the Lenten Season


The Heart of the Cross

A One-Woman Passion Play

Experience the Passion through the eyes of the women who bore witness to the events of Jesus’ death, burial and Resurrection.  Re-enacted with great devotion, humor and deep feeling, audiences feel as if they have joined the women at the foot of the cross.


The events from the Last Supper to Pentecost are told through portrayals of Mary Magdalene, Jesus’ Mother Mary, Veronica, and Martha.  This play was created in 1992; its success gave birth to Bible Women Speak and Olivia Woodford's ministry.


Running time: 75 minutes

Offered February through May

For All Seasons

Hearing The Call

Faith and Redemption Of Three Women

Near the beginning of Jesus’ ministry  there were those that heard the call during an encounter with Jesus.  Jesus was not yet known in Israel and the women portrayed had no frame of reference for how to respond to his teachings that were a radical departure from Judaic tradition.  Experience how they set aside well-established customs and preconceived beliefs to  receive what Jesus offered.


Portrayals feature the widow Susanna on the shores of the Jordan with John the Baptist; Simon Peter’s Mother-in-law when she is healed from a fever; and The Woman a the Well whose life was forever changed by her choice to talk to a stranger.


Running time:  90 minutes 

Offered January - February, May - November

Let It Be

For Any Season

The Strength of Faith to Navigate the Tumult of Jesus' Last Year of Ministry

From the arrest and death of John the Baptist’s to taking backroads to avoid the authorities, to handling the size of the crowds, disciples consistently set aside their fear to courageously stay at Jesus' side as danger mounted around Him.


The tensions of Jesus' final year and the strength of faith his followers exhibited to meet the challenges are revealed through the experience of four women.  Joanna, Chuza’s wife attends Herod's birthday where John is beheaded; the Mother of the Zebedee brothers struggles to make not let the controversy shake her resolve;  the Hemorrhaging Woman who stayed following Jesus after she was healed grapples with how to feed 5,000 people one afternoon in Galilee; and Mary of Bethany's faith is rekindled as her brother comes walking from his tomb.


Running time: 90 minutes

The performance is not currently available, except as separate vignettes

After the Resurrection

A New Dawn

The Heart of Mary Magdalene

This dramatic presentation explores what Mary Magdalene may have experienced in the weeks following the Resurrection as she grappled with the extraordinary events she had witnessed in the days and weeks before, how the relationships with key disciples helped strengthen her faith and confidence to be part of the movement to continue Jesus’ ministry. 


No longer just a follower, she and the other disiples heir to Jesus’ teachings and the story of his Resurrection, were thrust in the position of giving testimony and providing guidance for those ready to embrace the Resurrection and proclaim Jesus as Christ. 


Running Time:  65 minutes

Offered May through November

The Seeding Of Tradition

Mother of Nations

The Saga of Sarah and Hagar

The lineage of three world religions can be traced back to Abraham.  Judaism, Islam and Christianity are spiritual brothers and sons of the same Patriarch. The 4,000 year old rivalry and tension between these religions originated in Abraham’s time with the relationship between Abraham’s wife, Sarah and their servant, Hagar.


This dramatic presentation explores the relationship between these two women - the strength of their faith, sacrifice and devotion, and ultimately how the seeds they nurtured would produce sons and nations to revere and serve God.


Running Time:  55 minutes

Offered January to February, May to November

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